Mochi is a Japanese delicacy that has existed for centuries. Formed of pulverised, glutinous rice-dough shrouding orbs of bean paste. Mochi is traditionally spherical but Mochiya took the mochi ball and flattened it to a plush pastry pillow, infusing it with ice cream and sorbet using ingredients sourced from around the world.


The design emanates from the idea: ‘there’s goodness inside’. Both in terms of ingredients and the comfort you feel from eating them. Mochiya is the destination for relaxation - an escape from the noise of everyday life. From the floating animations, to the soft and squishy wordmark, there’s a sense of doughy ease that imbues the brand’s visuals with a floaty feel.


Opting for wordmark-centric approach we took our visual cues from the multisensory experience of the product — the texture, the colour, the inherently playful characteristic of the food supplementing this mood with a humanoid motif that feels culturally attune with a more out-there illustration style. The 3D flavour illustrations were developed in-house, softened by a handcrafted Mochi mascot crafted by illustrator Oscar Grönner. This is matched by our art direction and photography style using real shots of Mochi (not renders) to celebrate their imperfections that come when crafting something by hand shot by Sam Armstrong.
